Certification Board for Inspection Personnel - CBIPCertification Board for Inspection Personnel - CBIPCertification Board for Inspection Personnel - CBIP

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All CBIP Members

This is advanced notification that changes will be made to CBIP’s Constitution in 2024.

You may be aware that CBIP is an Incorporated Society governed by New Zealand legislation.  The former Government revised the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. The new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 became active in October 2023. Incorporated Societies Act 2022

To continue to operate as an incorporated society, CBIP must successfully re-register by 5 April 2026. This is a lengthy process and will commence with the re-write of CBIP’s constitution to align with the requirements of the new Act. 

As members of CBIP, the Incorporated Society, you are invited to have input into the Constitution re-write. The Board welcomes your feedback on what you think should or should not be included. To prepare you for this process, you can access CBIP’s current Constitution via the website. CBIP Constitution 2021 Revision 5

The Board is being guided by CBIP’s legal representative and will keep CBIP members informed as the Constitution re-write progresses. The process to receive your feedback is yet to be determined but please be aware that we will need to set tight timelines for receiving feedback.

I will inform you of further details in due course.


Kind regards

Bryn George

CBIP Board Chair